Through Challenging Times The Voice of The Savior Overcomes
I had someone ask me how I manage through challenging times. The question took me off guard. I thought back on some challenging times in my life and saw the anxiety, fear, tears, and a couple of mental break downs that I have had through the years. But I also remembered all of the life lessons that I learned from those challenging experiences, and how those lessons brought me closer to my Savior.
I am not going to sugar coat this, we live in dark challenging times. A time were constant arguments are made, judgment is passed around like a food platter, and where self worth is diminished with every swipe we make. With all of this surrounding us on top of personal situations and challenges that come up it is easy to feel left and forgotten. It is in these times that turning to the Lord is so crucial! "When thou art in tribulation, and all these things are come upon thee, even in the latter days, if thou turn to the Lord thy God, and shall be obedient unto his voice...he will not forsake thee" (Deuteronomy 4:30-31). Life is going to be hard but it is our choice to choose if we turn to the Savior or not.
Jeffery R. Holland continues to inspire me every time he speaks. When talking about tribulation Holland states, "When life is hard, remember- we are not the first to ask, 'is there no other way?" Having this mindset is very humbling. We remember Christ and everything He went through for us. When thinking about everything He went through we can start to see that Christ is the perfect candidate to turn to in times of need. Who else would be better to talk to and confide in then someone who was mocked, condemned, ridiculed, spit on, tortured? Someone who has so much empathy and compassion that He would offer himself as a sacrifice for your sake. So that you would never have to walk alone, and eventually make it back to God. Let me tell you no one is better to talk to than Him. He has been there He knows what it is like to feel alone. Turning to the Savior in challenging times is the best thing that you could do.
Now don't get me wrong we have people in our lives that we should turn to as well. Family and friends are a great blessing that are given to us to help us through this life. They can help us in times of need as well. But overall how I manage through challenging times is making time for my Savior and Redeemer. By choosing to reach out and listen to the council and guidance He gives me.
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